Ransomware: The Silent Epidemic


What is ransomware?

How does ransomware work?

Ransomware can infect your devices in the same way as other malware or viruses. For example:

  • Visiting unsafe or suspicious websites
  • Opening emails or files from unknown sources
  • Clicking on malicious links in emails or on social media.

Common signs you may be a victim of ransomware include:

  • Pop-up messages requesting funds or payment to unlock files.
  • You cannot access your devices, or your login doesn’t work for unknown reasons.
  • Files request a password or a code to open or access them.
  • Files have moved or are not in their usual folders or locations.
  • Files have unusual file extensions, or their names or icons have changed to something strange

What actions should a business prioritizing security take?

  • Educate employees: Employees should be trained on how to identify and avoid phishing emails and other common social engineering attacks.
  • Implement security measures: Businesses should implement security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and anti-malware software.
  • Back up data regularly: Businesses should back up their data regularly and store the backups offline. This will allow them to recover their data quickly in the event of a ransomware attack.
  • Have a plan in place: Businesses should have a plan in place for responding to a ransomware attack. This plan should include steps for identifying the affected systems, isolating the infection, and restoring data from backups.