PandoraFMS Alongside Looptech At Black Hat MEA 2023.


PandoraFMS presenter explains how it provides the agility to quickly find and solve problems, scaling them so they can be derived from any source, whether on-premise, multi-cloud, or a combination of both.

Highlights from our participation:

Pandora FMS shows in real time what happens with your organization’s technology.

Generate alerts, analyze trends of years and share that information with customers or suppliers. Our clients use this information to save money, time and above everything else help their IT teams optimize their work.


Each user can create their own dashboard that highlights the most relevant critical metrics for their team and their operations. Keep all members informed of your system’s performance levels.


The report builder allows you to design your own reports, customized with covers, headers and different content.


Pandora FMS has a complete API to be able to integrate your own business processes, both in configuration management, as well as notifications, provisioning processes, inventory processes, CMDB and many others.

Multitenant / MSP

Multiple customers with different views, sharing a single platform, with no limits. Common reporting templates so they only have to apply it to those assets they see.

Alerts and notifications

Alerts include escalations, special day exceptions, scheduled downtimes, weekends, and many other customization options.


They allow homogenization of the monitoring and to deploy a standard monitoring by technologies.

Know more about Pandora FMS, Contact us to talk to an expert.